Source code for pyfpm.matcher

Matchers are the main user-facing API for `pyfpm`.

This module lets you unpack objects:

    >>> unpacker = Unpacker()
    >>> unpacker('head :: tail') << (1, 2, 3)
    >>> unpacker.head
    >>> unpacker.tail
    (2, 3)

or function parameters:

    >>> @match_args('[x:str, [y:int, z:int]]')
    ... def match(x, y, z):
    ...     return (x, y, z)

    >>> match('abc', (1, 2))
    ('abc', 1, 2)

You can also create simple matchers with lambda expressions:

    >>> what_is_it = Matcher([
    ...     ('_:int', lambda: 'an int'),
    ...     ('_:str', lambda: 'a string'),
    ...     ('x', lambda x: 'something else: %s' % x),
    ...     ])

    >>> what_is_it(10)
    'an int'
    >>> what_is_it('abc')
    'a string'
    >>> what_is_it({})
    'something else: {}'

or more complex ones using a decorator:

    >>> parse_options = Matcher()
    >>> @parse_options.handler("['-h'|'--help', None]")
    ... def help():
    ...     return 'help'
    >>> @parse_options.handler("['-o'|'--optim', level:int] if 1<=level<=5")
    ... def set_optimization(level):
    ...     return 'optimization level set to %d' % level
    >>> @parse_options.handler("['-o'|'--optim', bad_level]")
    ... def bad_optimization(bad_level):
    ...     return 'bad optimization level: %s' % bad_level
    >>> @parse_options.handler('x')
    ... def unknown_options(x):
    ...     return 'unknown options: %s' % repr(x)

    >>> parse_options(('-h', None))
    >>> parse_options(('--help', None))
    >>> parse_options(('-o', 3))
    'optimization level set to 3'
    >>> parse_options(('-o', 0))
    'bad optimization level: 0'
    >>> parse_options(('-v', 'x'))
    "unknown options: ('-v', 'x')"

from functools import wraps

from pyfpm.parser import Parser, _get_caller_globals
from pyfpm.pattern import _basestring

[docs]class NoMatch(Exception): """ Thrown by matchers when no registered pattern could match the given object. """
[docs]class Matcher(object): """ Maps patterns to handler functions. :param bindings: an optional list of pattern-handler pairs. String patterns are automatically parsed. :type bindings: iterable :param context: an optional context for the :class:`Parser`. If absent, it uses the caller's `globals()` :type context: dict """ def __init__(self, bindings=[], context=None): self.bindings = [] if context is None: context = _get_caller_globals() self.parser = Parser(context) for pattern, handler in bindings: self.register(pattern, handler)
[docs] def register(self, pattern, handler): """ Register a new pattern-handler pair. If the pattern is a string, it will be parsed automatically. :param pattern: Pattern or str -- the pattern :param handler: callable -- the handler function for the pattern """ if isinstance(pattern, _basestring): pattern = self.parser(pattern) self.bindings.append((pattern, handler))
[docs] def match(self, obj, *args): """ Match the given object against the registerd patterns until the first match. The corresponding handler gets called with `args` as positional arguments and the match context as keyword arguments. :param obj: the object to match the patterns with :param args: the extra positional arguments that the handler function will get called with :raises: NoMatch -- if none of the patterns can match de object Example: >>> m = Matcher([ ... ('head :: tail', lambda extra, head, tail: (extra, head, tail)), ... ('x', lambda extra, x: (extra, 'got something! %s' % x)), ... ]) >>> m.match('hello', 'yo!') ('yo!', 'got something! hello') >>> m.match((1, 2, 3), 'numbers') ('numbers', 1, (2, 3)) """ for pattern, handler in self.bindings: match = pattern << obj if match: return handler(*args, **match.ctx) raise NoMatch('no registered pattern could match %s' % repr(obj))
def __call__(self, obj, *args): """ Same as :func:`match`. Matcher instances can be called directly: >>> m = Matcher([('_', lambda: 'yes')]) >>> m(0) == m.match(0) True """ return self.match(obj, *args)
[docs] def handler(self, pattern): """ Decorator for registering handlers. It's an alternate syntax with the same effect as :func:`register`: >>> m = Matcher() >>> @m.handler('x:int') ... def int_(x): ... return 'an int: %d' % x >>> @m.handler('_') ... def any(): ... return 'any' >>> m(1) 'an int: 1' >>> m(None) 'any' """ def _reg(function): self.register(pattern, function) return function return _reg
def __eq__(self, other): return (self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.bindings == other.bindings and self.parser.context == other.parser.context) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ','.join('='.join((str(k), repr(v))) for (k, v) in self.__dict__.items()))
[docs]def match_args(pattern, context=None): """ Decorator for matching a function's arglist. :param pattern: Pattern or str -- the pattern :param context: dict -- an optional context for the pattern parser. If absent, it defaults to the caller's `globals()`. Usage: >>> @match_args('head::tail') ... def do_something(head, tail): ... return (head, tail) >>> do_something(1, 2, 3, 4) (1, (2, 3, 4)) """ if isinstance(pattern, _basestring): if context is None: context = _get_caller_globals() pattern = Parser(context)(pattern) def wrapper(function): @wraps(function) def f(*args): match = pattern.match(args) if not match: raise NoMatch("%s doesn't match %s" % (pattern, args)) return function(**match.ctx) return f return wrapper
class _UnpackerHelper(object): def __init__(self, vars, pattern): self.vars = vars self.pattern = pattern def _do(self, other): match = self.pattern.match(other) if not match: raise NoMatch("%s doesn't match %s" % (self.pattern, other)) self.vars.update(match.ctx) def __lshift__(self, other): return self._do(other)
[docs]class Unpacker(object): """ Inline object unpacker. Usage: >>> unpacker = Unpacker() >>> unpacker('[x, [y, z]]') << (1, (2, 3)) >>> unpacker.x 1 >>> unpacker.y 2 >>> unpacker.z 3 """ def __call__(self, pattern, context=None): if isinstance(pattern, _basestring): if context is None: context = _get_caller_globals() pattern = Parser(context)(pattern) return _UnpackerHelper(self.__dict__, pattern)

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