pyfpm documentation =================== The name :mod:`pyfpm` stands for PYthon Functional Pattern Matching. It's an attempt to bring Scala-like functional pattern matching to Python with a similar syntax. :mod:`pyfpm.matcher` -------------------- .. automodule:: pyfpm.matcher :members: Matcher, match_args, Unpacker, NoMatch :mod:`pyfpm.parser` ------------------- .. automodule:: pyfpm.parser :members: Parser :mod:`pyfpm.pattern` -------------------- .. automodule:: pyfpm.pattern :members: build, Match, Pattern, AnyPattern, EqualsPattern, InstanceOfPattern, RegexPattern, ListPattern, NamedTuplePattern, OrPattern .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`